In today's rapidly changing financial landscape, staying informed is more crucial than ever. John’s latest economic update dives into the key trends and insights shaping the markets in the 4th quarter of 2024. Whether you're a seasoned investor, business owner or just curious about the economy's direction, this analysis provides the essential information to keep you ahead of the curve.
Third Quarter Global Prosperity Report
In today's rapidly changing financial landscape, staying informed is more crucial than ever. John’s latest economic update dives into the key trends and insights shaping the markets in the 3rd quarter of 2024. Whether you're a seasoned investor, business owner or just curious about the economy's direction, this analysis provides the essential information to keep you ahead of the curve.
Second Quarter Global Prosperity Report
In today's rapidly changing financial landscape, staying informed is more crucial than ever. John’s latest economic update dives into the key trends and insights shaping the markets in the 2nd quarter of 2024. Whether you're a seasoned investor, business owner or just curious about the economy's direction, this analysis provides the essential information to keep you ahead of the curve.
Macro View of Economic Environment
2023 has witnessed a dizzying array of consensus macroeconomic views, from no landing to soft landing to a financial banking crisis and back again. The fundamental backdrop we see for the economy is that inflation, while making some progress, continues to run well above target and the labor market remains overheated.
2022 Q2 Economic Update
The anxiety among investors is understandable, given sky-high inflation, stock market losses, the war in the Ukraine, and looking mid-term elections. However, now is not the time to panic. One of my favorite quotes from Mark Twain is “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes”. And what is happening today, certainly rhymes with what we have seen in the recent past.
2022 Q1 Economic Update
The US economy balances in an uncertain position entering the second quarter. In certain respects, the economy is on solid footing; the consumer is in good shape. The labor markets are tight with the unemployment rate, at 3.6%, close to historic lows. Jobs are plentiful and wages are rising. While households have burned through the COVID-stimulus cash, their savings rate continues to be elevated, currently at 6.3%, which adds a level of cushioning should the economy turn south. On the Corporate front, profits recovered quickly and are now well above pre-pandemic levels. Business investment is continuing to accelerate and, with a growing trend to bring business operations back to the US, implies US economic growth should continue.
Macro View of Economic Environment
Another quarter, another Covid variant emerges. This time Omicron, which is more infectious but less severe than previous versions of the Covid virus. While there are nagging concerns, continued vaccination (and boosting) progress has thus far mitigated any new issues that could arise with the continuing evolution of the pandemic.