
Should You Contribute to Your 401k Pre-Tax or Roth?

Should You Contribute to Your 401k Pre-Tax or Roth?

Deciding whether to contribute to your 401k pre-tax or Roth is mostly about when you think the tax rate will be higher, but there are other factors to consider as well. This post explores a few scenarios that might offer more guidance to that decision, as well as a suggestion that can fit when you’re just not sure.

What is a Backdoor Roth IRA and Who Should Use One?

What is a Backdoor Roth IRA and Who Should Use One?

For many high-income earners, IRS income limits prevent direct contributions to Roth IRA accounts. Enter the backdoor Roth IRA – not a special type of account, but rather a perfectly legal transaction sequence that helps higher earners access Roth IRA benefits despite income restrictions. Here’s how it works…

Will You Need Long-Term Care? Here's What You Need to Know

Will You Need Long-Term Care? Here's What You Need to Know

Statistically speaking, 7 out of 10 Americans will need some type of long-term care in their lifetime - that might sound alarming, but understanding your options can help you prepare confidently for the future. In our latest blog post, we break down the real costs of long-term care and explore practical strategies to protect yourself and your loved ones, from insurance options to self-funding approaches.

Income Taxes in Retirement: Understanding How Your Tax Bill May Change

Income Taxes in Retirement: Understanding How Your Tax Bill May Change

When you shift from working for a living to living off your prior years of work, the way the money you pull from your various savings sources may also shift. It’s quite common for first-year retirees to be caught with a surprise tax bill due to this change, which may or may not require a change in how you plan and pay your taxes throughout the year. This article covers the various ways your savings may be taxed.

You've Waited All Your Life for This: Avoiding the Non-Financial Pitfalls of Retirement

You've Waited All Your Life for This: Avoiding the Non-Financial Pitfalls of Retirement

Starting off 2019 here at Mackey Advisors™, we have already had numerous discussions with folks planning to retire at a date in the not too distant future.  Would it surprise you to hear that every day, 10,000 boomers turn 65 in this country?  Many of those folks have worked and saved for years in order to enjoy a whole new life called “retirement” after that 65th birthday.  Unfortunately, all too often the ride into the sunset becomes a drive off a cliff even if they have prepared themselves to have a financially successful retirement.