Deciding whether to contribute to your 401k pre-tax or Roth is mostly about when you think the tax rate will be higher, but there are other factors to consider as well. This post explores a few scenarios that might offer more guidance to that decision, as well as a suggestion that can fit when you’re just not sure.
5 HSA Facts You Need to Know
Keeping Your Retirement Tax Bill in Check With a Tax-Efficient Distribution Strategy
Income Taxes in Retirement: Understanding How Your Tax Bill May Change
When you shift from working for a living to living off your prior years of work, the way the money you pull from your various savings sources may also shift. It’s quite common for first-year retirees to be caught with a surprise tax bill due to this change, which may or may not require a change in how you plan and pay your taxes throughout the year. This article covers the various ways your savings may be taxed.