When the clock hits midnight on January 1st, many of us are quick to declare our resolutions. We dive headfirst into the year with lofty goals, fueled by the idea that a new calendar year signifies a clean slate. But let’s be honest: January is often cold, dark, and sluggish—a time when the world feels more inclined to hibernate than to thrive. Perhaps we've been looking for new beginnings in the wrong place.
The Power of Flexibility: Goals You Can Stick With—Even When Life Gets in the Way
Setting big goals is exciting, but life has a way of throwing us off course before we even get started. Whether it’s getting sick, missing a week, or simply losing momentum, those setbacks can make us feel like we’ve failed. But what if you could set goals that adapt to life’s interruptions instead of falling apart when things don’t go as planned? Here’s a new approach to goal-setting that lets you stay on track—even when life gets in the way—so you can actually achieve your goals this year.
Reflecting on 2024 and Looking Forward to 2025: Time for Growth and Renewal
5 HSA Facts You Need to Know
Mackey's Miracle Blueberry Pancakes
Year-End Charitable Giving
With the holiday season upon us and the end of the year approaching, we pause to give thanks for our blessings and the people in our lives. It is also a time when charitable giving often comes to mind. The tax benefits associated with charitable giving could potentially enhance your ability to give and should be considered as part of your year-end tax planning.
You Might Be Able to Save Even More in Your 401k Starting in 2025
Gratitude: The Foundation of Prosperity
In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to overlook the power of gratitude. Many of us equate prosperity with financial success, but true prosperity encompasses much more—emotional well-being, strong relationships, a fulfilling career, and a sense of purpose. Interestingly, gratitude can act as a catalyst for achieving all these facets of prosperity.
Taking Care of a Non-Spouse Partner: Essential Steps to Take
Joy and Money
In 2002, I published my book, "The Intersection of Joy and Money," where I discussed the 5 truths of money, including the idea that money is energy. Back then, I advocated for socially responsible investing, which has since evolved into what we now call ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) investing. At that time, less than 1% of global assets were invested in ESG funds. Fast forward to 2020, and that number has skyrocketed to 35.9%!